How To Fit A Harbridge Training Aid

The harbridge can be used for either lunge work, loose schooling work or ridden work. Because of the low point of contact from which the device operates it encourages the horse to adopt a long low prohle and a high degree of poll flexion but allows the horse freedom to bend laterally. As there is nothing for the horse to lean on he must learn to carry himself and in so doing the correct muscles are built up making it natural for the horse to always work in a good shape within the limitations of his conformation.

It is probably best used either for loose schooling or for lunge work for the first few sessions to develop a stronger musculature before the weight of a rider is added. When used for a riding lesson the Harbridge enables the instructor to demonstrate to the pupil the ‘feel’ they wish them to achieve without the less experienced rider having to work too hard and therefore compromising their balance and position. The Harbridge comes in two sizes, pony/ cob and cob/full size.

TO FIT: The Harbridge is adjustable in two places: on the actual reins themselves and also under the chest. It is easy to fit; when putting on the saddle or lungeing roller, thread the girth loop onto the girth and girth up as normal, then both reins pass between the horse’s front legs and the trigger clip at the end of each rein is clipped to each bit ring.

It should only be clipped into place when in the school or as you are about to ride off, the horse should never be led to the school with equipment already attached. As with any new piece of equipment or schooling device, the Harbridge should be introduced gradually as muscles unaccustomed to working in certain shapes soon tire and the horse will begin to resist and spoil the effect you are trying to create.